We pick up on the Trophy H face book chat.
but I feel uncomfortable in green
You have an equally exotic profile. If you accented with mad royal purple or aqua marine you could pull it off. Its very period like some of your dungeon and dragon stuff you hide in.
from being called the Jolly Green Giant in hi school
Ho ho ho they called after me in the halls
Oh dear. Time to return to a class reunion in this outfit. Don't wait for them to call you. Just show up.
haven't been to one yet
maybe there will be a 30th n 2010
I got, "Hey Flees!" rhymed with my last name. Pig Farmer was the number two favourite name I got and then of course I got the "F" word. A lot.
scars we bear
make us beautiful and stronger
I got invited back to my 25th. I declined the invitation.
2010 will be the 30th year reunion. I might attend this time. My best pal since the third grade has stage 4 cancer. If she goes I want to be her date.
MrD just attended his 25th Chemical Engineering graduate class in Manila. That is why we were there at that time instead of Christmas. It is also why we have been dieting MrD with trophy H treats for the last three months. It worked he fit into pants, tee shirts and lots of details that he had not worn in a long time. Me too. We ate healthy and did the exercise and pouf. Three months of hard work later we were back on the runway.
you were both looking good at the party
are you in town for a while now?
Yes! Please. Let me hide the suitcases.
you must be a packing pro
I actually have a tip or two for the Trophy Bag. Pack well and less.
I'm that way. Can always buy what one has forgotten
Carry on bags only! Check in on the way back if you shopped too much or have to return with armloads of gifts. I don't shop for anyone. My bag is my own.
I don't shop hardly anyway
just shoes
MrD carries his things. I carry mine. We take turns with the laptop. Usually. Also no cheating and buying things in foreign cities, giving it to each other and expecting them to carry it home.
ha ha
Exactly. How many shoes do you take with you?
maybe 2 pairs
I try to limit it to 3 pairs and we are still talking carry on only.
depends though when I travel
if I drive someplace then 5 or 6 pairs
Yes I was just talking about what to take to the gym.
I often have a change of clothes in my van
I had a wonderful thing happen tonight.
I called my brother to say we had returned safe from Victoria
YOu have a Van?
What colour?
I do
a Safari
??? sorry I am the so not the motor kind of Trophy H
tell me about the wonderful thing
I rented a car to visit my family from the airport. My brother asked what kind of car it was. "A red one." Poor guy just cringed. He is like the dad of the gay guy in Glee.
I don't have a tv
Ok. He told me that he read my blog from beginning to end in one go yesterday and he liked it.
oh yes of course you mentioned you did not have a tv. good for you
do you see your family often?
I was on the TV news yesterday and I did not watch it either. Some roving camera on the walking streets near the Empress did an interview about my hat.
was it a special hat?
I was just home for Thanks Giving and the fabulous photos in my album are taken at my bros farm where I was also raised.
Oh yes I was wearing one of my own hats. MrD saw the camera crew first and warned me they would pounce. They did. Sort of a jester's hat in black and grey strips with some decorations from last weekend's party and a bell. The GAP and me. I took and exacter knife and cut out the top of the P in GAP so it reads different.
has your brother changed much since he took over the farm?
what does Danilo think of your ''notoriety''?
Once a year MrD and I take my Brother and his wife on a vacation so we meet up. I have one sister. This year its once again my turn to take her traveling. MrD doesn't usually join. He will be in Japan. We will go to Sydney Australia. Then we three meet up at our place in Manila. That's the plan for Feb. Leaving the day before the Olympics and returning the day after... And NO we are not renting out our palace in the sky.
I wouldn't want strangers in my place either
Mr brother took over the farm from my Father who got it from his father who got it from God. Whatever. He bought from my Dad when I was in grade 9. My sister was already married and moved away to Toronto. My parents and I moved off the farm into the hamlet of 72 people. The rest is history.
he s a much older brother?
No live a third of the year inside hotel rooms so I am used to people going through my intimate things. In my own home I like to lock the door and find it the way it looks to be the same when I next return. I would probably have stayed here in Vancouver to be an Olympic spectacle at the Olympics but this is the best time to take my sister out of the frozen north changing diapers for old people off to the coconut palms and a bit of massage.
My brother is the oldest and wisest. Then my sister. I am the baby.
how do judge wisdom?
Wisdom is always found in those older than you. Each shows that in some way you have to see.
I'll believe you
I can also see wisdom in the youth but I am not traveling that way. I am dying. Youth is living.
To answer you question. MrD deals with my notoriety in his Asian way. He pretends he doesn't know me and walks at some distance. But now after 15 years I understand he walks with pride to be with me as I am proud to always walk with him.
I imagined so
thanx for the chat
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