Wednesday, November 18, 2009

back home in Manila

It might be the jet lag or it might be old age but I have been a mean ugly trophy H to poor MrD. Sarcasm has been rolling off my wrinkeled lips all day. Nothing pleases me.
We cut our stay in Hong Kong short by one day at my request because the hotel bored me, the city bored me, the shopping bored me and the jet lag is driving me nuts.
Back in Manila with temperatures over 30 C. The holiday lights twinkle away in the palm trees in the mall across from our condo.
It was August when I was last here. The longest time I have been away from our tropical home.
I forgot the roses I bought at the Hong Kong flower market at our hotel in HK. They were sitting in water in the marble bathroom. How can you forget two dozen red and white radish roses? At least I have a photo if I have not lost my camera in all this mess. I have not. Just feeling grouchy and sleepy and oh so very tired.
MrD is hiding in his bedroom cringing from my ugly side. Still I am always such a happy camper that this foul mood has some charm. Not much but a little.
And that is all I have to say about the matter.

1 comment:

  1. well, if that is really them, at least you have the photo. At least2, if they were in water, they may bring some joy to someone else, if only during their brief piss. Maybe there will be some brief reprieve from the heat. whether or not, hugs and a smooch to you.
