My day started at 4:30 am. only an hour earlier than I am usually awakened by the sounds of MrD preparing my morning coffee. He does that Monday to Friday and I try and get his coffee made at the weekends. Taking turns.
Busy day packing for tonight's long haul flight to Hong Kong. The flight leaves at 2am Sunday and we arrive in Hong Kong on Monday. There is something slightly disconcerting about traveling east far enough to cross the international date line and you move a day ahead in that flash moment. Happy to remember you get the reverse on the return flight when you travel for about 24 hours and get home before you left on the same day. Confused yet? Then there is jet lag but we don't even want to go there just now.
That part takes some getting used to.
I am a one-carry-on, no-check-in, kind of trophy husband but tonight I am traveling with supplies for MrD's gala events. I have to do some "show" cooking at one event so have a bag full of Canadian delicacies like air dried caribou, elk and venison. I am surely the only client checking in on this Cathay flight with a white cabbage. Just can't find a decent head in Manila contrary to what MrD might imply.
The Filipino culture has a tradition with people who have been abroad and have returned. The returning hero must bring gifts for just about everyone. One bag to check in with all the treats and toys and trinkets and dead animal products. A second bag has all my things needed for our 4 day stopover to rest up in Hong Kong before the short hop down to Manila on Thursday.
I hope to get to the fantastic flower market in Kowloon while in Hong Kong so I can take some orchids back to our place in Manila.
I am also lugging some lovely Canadian art as carry on but more on that later.
I had hoped to make an entry in this blog every day. It might get a little confusing for the next bit with missing a day.
MrD and I are just up in the air here until Monday.
We hope.
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