Well the ordeal of flying in a pressurised tin can for 13 hours while crossing the international date line is over and MrD and I have settled our tired bodies into the charming old Peninsula Hotel in Kowloon, Hong Kong.
I did manage to get some sleep on the plane but of course I still have to deal with jet lag. This morning I was up at 3am and went out for a walk in the chilling darkness of this part of such a very crowded city.
MrD was also up and at the computer doing his running the empire thing so off I went on my own with my camera.
It is a bit spooky to see Kowloon so empty because it is usually packed with so many people and things move at a crawl. Not even the newspaper sellers were up yet. A few tired sex workers going home or not and some police out checking IDs.
MrD and I have already decided to condense all our meetings into today and fly out one day early back to Manila. If we are going to suffer jet lag we might just as well do that in our own home rather than in this pretentious and somewhat dated hotel.
So after a quite authentic eggs benedict with one of our Hong Kong employees and some notes here I am preparing for a trip on the MRT to the Hong Kong flower market to shop for blooms to take back home to Manila tomorrow.
Our Hong Kong friends are complaining about the cold temps of 14 or so but it is a wonderful transition for us before the 30 C waiting for us in Manila when we step off the plane tomorrow.
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